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日期:2020-10-03 09:52

CS 711 1 radu/2020
Assignment 4 v1
Assignment 4 requires one project and one brief essay.
An implementation of the synchronous EIG-based Byzantine agreement algorithm,
working on the complete graph.
The project shall consist of a single source file, containing definitions for Node and for
Arcs, an adapted version of our previous Arcs (not part of the algorithm).
In the submitted version, your own standard output stream (Console.Out) must fully
conform to the sample output described below. This is very important for our
The appendix contains snapshots with our visual Byzantine demo running a sample
Select and critically review any interesting paper(s) which discuss(es) one of the
following topics (your choice):
o Byzantine algorithms and blockchains.
o Authenticated Byzantine algorithms.
o Asynchronous Byzantine algorithms.
o Practical Byzantine algorithms (less costly).
Your review should be structured and formatted as a short conference paper, wellargued
and supported by additional evidence, e.g. references/citations. It must adhere
to a strict page limit, up to 3 pages (without references).
Note: Such topics appear under various names, such as: Byzantine / distributed / faulttolerant
generals / algorithm / agreement / consensus / protocol … not all for the same
problem, but many are. E.g. just from the Dijkstra prize list: 2001, 2005, 2007, 2010,
2015, 2017 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra_Prize)
If needed, please don’t hesitate to check with us about the suitability of your selected
topic / papers.
CS 711 2 radu/2020
Arcs reads the config file from stdin, e.g.:
4 2 0 // N L V0
1 0 1 0 0 1 1 011 011 011 011 // P V F script
2 0 0 // P V F
4 1 0
3 1 0
There are N+1 lines in total, where N = # of process nodes, N in 1..9. End -of-line
comments are optional and here indicate the meaning of each value: N = # of process
nodes; L = # of EIG levels; V0 (well known); P = process number (1..N); V = initial choice; F
= failure flag (0: loyal, 1: faulty).
Each faulty process line P continues with a script indicating the messages that that
process P is expected to send. Conceptually, there are L?N blocks of values, in order:
o S=1: N blocks of length 1
o S=2: N blocks of length N-1
o S=3: N blocks of length N-2
o …
o S=L: N blocks of length N-L+1
For each given level S, the N blocks are to be sent to processes 1, 2, …, N, in this order.
Each block represents the level S-1 values that need to be sent, in left-to-right order
(considering an ordered EIG tree) - more precisely, what values that faulty process
claims to have recorded at level S-1.
Faulty-script conventions (similar to our demo):
o legal sequence digits are 0, 1, 2, 3
o 0 and 1 indicate the two values exchanged by loyal participants
o 2 indicates null, missing/corrupt messages – to be replaced by v0
o 3 indicates that the faulty participant sends the correct value at this position
o illegal characters are assumed to be 2
o missing characters are assumed to a repeat of the last preceding digit (0, 1, 2, 3)
o internal faulty script spaces are optional and only relevant for readability
o extra characters are discarded
CS 711 3 radu/2020
For example, the following faulty scripts are equivalent:
0 0 0 1 011 021 112 222
0001 0110211122
There are 2?L+1 steps, numbered S = 0, 1, 2, …, 2?L. Step S = 0 is the initialisation; steps S
= 1, 2, …, L are the top-down messaging rounds; steps S = L+1, L+2, …, 2?L are the
bottom-up evaluation.
S=0: Arcs sends init messages to each of the N processes, in order P = 1, 2, …, N. Each
init message contains N, P, V, V0, L. For a faulty node, the message also includes the
required faulty script. Process P sets its EIG root (level 0) value to V, and then prints this
value in the format: [0 P V]. Finally, its responds by sending its level S=1 messages to
S=1, 2, … L-1: Arcs sends all due level S messages to each of the N processes, in order P =
1, 2, …, N. Process P fills its level S top-down values, and then prints these, in left-toright
order, in the format [S P values], separating sibling groups by single spaces. Finally,
it responds by sending its level S+1 messages to Arcs. Note that each sibling group has
N+1-S values.
S=L. Same as above, but we are at the leaves level, where there are no more messages
to send. Conceptually, top-down values become bottom-up values. Processes respond
with “empty” messages.
S=L+1, L+2, …, 2?L. Arcs send “empty” messages to each of the N processes, in order P =
1, 2, …, N. Process P evaluates its level 2?L-bottom-up values, using the same format as
Obviously, for S=2?L, processes print their final decisions, in the format [S P V].
CS 711 4 radu/2020
Sample printout corresponding to the above config file (N=4, etc):
You are free to select actual message format that suits you best. Important is to design a
credible simulation, where all contacts between nodes is realised via messages gathered
and forwarded by Arcs.
Please don’t hesitate to ask if you need clarifications. Thanks!
Submit electronically:
(1) Your programs, as single source file, to the COMPSCI automarker, and
(2) Your essay as PDF, to Canvas.
Deadline: Monday 12 October, 2020, 23:00.
Do not leave it for the last minute, please. Remember that you can resubmit and, by
default, we only consider your last submission.
Late submissions will incur penalties, 0.25% off for each hour late, for up to eight days.

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