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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++程序C/C++程序

日期:2023-10-29 07:52

DSC 430: Python Programming
Assignment 0601: Palindrome Dates
A palindrome date is a date that is the same when read forwards and backwards, e.g., ‘02/02/2020’. Write
a program that identifies and saves to a file all the palindrome dates in the 21st century using the
DD/MM/YYYY format. Do not use recursion. Do not use any built-in calendar-ish packages. To keep
things simple, treat leap years as regular years.
Record a three-minute video in which you run the code. Then, present your code. Specifically, answer
the following questions:
? How did you iterate through the different dates?
? How did you test if a date was a palindrome date?
? Where you able to ignore entire months or even years without evaluating every date?
Submission: Submit a single .py file containing all the code to the D2L. Do not zip or archive the file. Your
code must include comments at the top including your name, date, video link, and the honor statement,
“I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.” Each function must include
a docstring and be commented appropriately.


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